Title: "Bright side of the Moon"
Dimensions: 80 cm (the diameter)
title: "Message in the bottle"
Dimensions: 25x25x78 cm
Title: "Plisi"
Dimensions: 100x85x102 cm
Title: "Multiverse"
Dimensions: 130x90x3 cm
Title: “Take off”
Dimensions: 110x25x58 cm
Title: "Dreams of youth"
Dimensions: 60x44x135 cm
Title: "Passion of freedom"
Dimensions: 72x70x169 cm
Title: "The rocket"
Dimensions: 33x37x110 cm
Title: "Protecting the future (Rhino)"
Dimensions: 180x100x60 cm
Title: “The legacy of war”
Dimensions: 69x30x37 cm
Title: “Suffering cloak”
Dimensions: 70x28x35 cm
Title: “My movie”
Dimensions: 152x25x56 cm

For my sculptures I am mostly using soft clay and than artistic plaster, which later I transfer them in bronze, but also carving in marble or solid materials.

My instagram